Association for the Advancement of Interdisciplinary Education Studies (AAIDES) was established to support a worldwide field of interdisciplinary education studies. Our hope in establishing this organization is to provide support for scholarly conversations within and across national and regional borders about the content, context, and process of education, the organizational and intellectual center of which is interdisciplinary.

AAIDES seeks to advance the field of interdisciplinary education by encouraging collaborative approaches that integrate knowledge and methodologies from various subject areas. In addition, AAIDES actively initiates and leads educational reform efforts through its high quality research and preparation programs. In accordance with this purpose, AAIDES work collaboratively with schools and educational agencies to positively influence local, state, and national educational policy. AAIDES constantly questions and reevaluates its practice and beliefs to ensure its effectiveness and relevance.

Mission and Objectives

AAIDES carries out its mission through a range of activities and initiatives:

1. Conferences and Symposia: The association organizes regular conferences and symposia where educators, researchers, and students can present their interdisciplinary work, engage in discussions, and learn from one another.

2. Publication Opportunities: AAIDES sponsors academic journals, books, and other publications that focus on interdisciplinary education. These outlets provide a platform for sharing research findings, innovative teaching practices, and theoretical frameworks.

3. Workshops and Webinars: AAIDES conducts workshops and webinars to train educators in designing and implementing interdisciplinary curricula. These events also explore strategies for overcoming challenges related to interdisciplinary teaching.

4. Collaborative Projects: The association supports collaborative research projects that involve experts from diverse fields. This collaborative spirit enables novel approaches to solving complex problems.

5. Outreach and Advocacy: AAIDES engages with educational institutions, policymakers, and the public to promote the benefits of interdisciplinary education. This involves advocating for changes in educational systems to facilitate interdisciplinary learning.


AAIDES contributes to a more holistic and interconnected approach to learning and problem solving by encouraging collaboration and closing the gaps between disciplines. AAIDES plays a vital role in shaping the future of education by fostering a dedicated community of educators and researchers.

In conclusion, the Association for the Advancement of Interdisciplinary Education Studies (AAIDES) stands as a driving force in transforming education by championing interdisciplinary approaches. Its commitment to facilitating collaboration, promoting innovative teaching practices, and advancing research across disciplines underscores the significance of interdisciplinary education in preparing individuals to thrive in an increasingly complex and interconnected world.



Article 1: Name

The name of the organization is Association for the Advancement of Interdisciplinary Education Studies.

Article 2: Membership

Membership is open to both individuals and associations.

Individuals: Membership is open to any individuals interested in the advancement of interdisciplinary education studies as an academic and professional field of study, such as university faculty and students and other independent researchers.

Associations: When a national or regional association for interdisciplinary education studies affiliates with the Association, all its members automatically become members of AAIDES.

Article 3: Dues

Individuals: Due to currency exchange problems, individuals are encouraged but not required to pay dues (except indirectly through their affiliated organizations).

Associations: Associations are asked to pay an amount to be negotiated by the Coordinating Council each year, to be used to support the activities of the Association. Dues can be increased or decreased at the discretion of the Coordinating Council, in consultation with the General Assembly.

Article 4: Voting

A. All individual members, including officers of the Association and those inducted indirectly via affiliated associations, are eligible to vote.

B. Individual members will vote in elections for officers and representatives.

C. The General Assembly will be comprised of a representative from each nation, region or continents. General Assembly members will vote on routine organizational matters and advise Coordinating Committee members as regards national, regional, and local issues and problems.

D. Voting and other Association business will be conducted, in general, electronically, via the internet, except when appropriate technology is not available to members or groups. The Secretary will be responsible for facilitating communication among members and committees, including members with non-internet connections.

E. Voting is limited to those members and General Assembly representatives who have attended at least one meeting per decade. Meetings will be held every three years.

F. When a candidate for an office fails to achieve a majority of votes, the two candidates with the most votes will stand in a “run-off” election to determine the elected official.

Article 5: Meetings

A. Meetings will be held every three years, organized by the Conference Committee, in consultation with the Coordinating Council and Representatives to the General Assembly.

B. Meetings of related organizations may be held concurrently.

C. Local affiliates are encouraged to meet annually.

Article 6: Governance Structure

A. Officers. There will be four officers elected by the general membership: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary. These four officials will constitute the Coordinating Council, to define and recommend policy to the General Assembly. All officers serve three-year terms and may be re-elected once. The President will chair Coordinating Council meetings and support the smooth and efficient functioning of the Association.

The Vice-President will chair the General Assembly and act as President in case of the President’s absence due to illness or resignation. The Treasurer will maintain records – accessible to all members – regarding the Association’s financial activities (if any). The Secretary will keep records of all Association business (membership list, minutes of all meetings, etc.), including an archive for an Association history, to be started immediately.

B. General Assembly. To encourage the organization of national and/or regional interdisciplinary education studies associations and promote the cause of interdisciplinary education studies in all nations, the General Assembly is chaired by the Vice-President. Each nation or region will elect one representative every three years; representatives are eligible for re-election once.

C. Standing Committees. All members are eligible to serve on standing committees. Standing Committee members serve three-year terms and may be reelected once. For the sake of efficient communication, committees will be limited to five members, elected by the general membership and chaired by the IAACS President or her/his designate.

D. Special appointments: The editor-in-chief of Culture, Education, and Future – the official journal of the Association – is appointed by the President in consultation with the Coordinating Council and may serve indefinitely. The website coordinator is also appointed by the President in consultation with the Coordinating Committee and may serve indefinitely. The President may make other special appointments in consultation with the Coordinating Council as circumstances suggest.